I wonder if you would be interested in this wonderful essay 'On Style' by Susan Sontag:


In it she discusses her definition of art, which I think helps elucidate a vocabulary in discussing and evaluating art in a way that is not just about technical competence, beauty or moral value.

Some quotes to get the flavour:

"The overcoming or transcending of the world in art is also a my (sic) of encountering the world, and of training or educating the will to be in the world"

"Art is the objectifying of the will in a thing or performance, and the provoking or arousing of the will. From the point of view of the artist, it is the objectifying of a volition; from the point of view of the spectator, it is the creation of an imaginary décor for the will."

Critiquing AI generated 'art' in terms of this understanding, one can consider whether it lacks the arousal of the will, or perhaps arouses the will in a different way; if one knows the 'art' to be AI generated, can it be seen more as an objectification of the will of the engineers that created the model and what does that provoke in the viewer?

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broooo i also thought of an experiment in criticism immediately when reading that post

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